085 0030140 info@mffa.nl
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MFFA Belastingadvies | Tax Advice

About us


Migration Issues


Tax advice | Tax returns


Second Opinion / Review / Scan


Tax litigation (audit, objection / appeal)


Settlement of Inheritances


Subsidy application (innovation box, R&D)

About us

MFFA Belastingadviseur | Tax Advice

As a Dutch tax advisor, MFFA Tax Advice is located in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Assen, The Hague and Eindhoven.

The Dutch tax advisors of MFFA Tax Advice offer a full range of Dutch tax advice, tax compliance and accounting services (one stop shop). Besides that we have big-four experience, we distinguish ourselves with our academic and pragmatic approach. As tax advisor in the Netherlands our clients consists of expats, (starting) freelancers, family businesses, individuals, foreign companies being active or using the Netherlands as hub /gateway with a holding / financing company for US, Asia and EMEA markets.

Who are we?


Feel free to contact us for advice with our tax advisors via our contact form. During this consultation we provide a complete picture of all tax and financial options after an inventory of your personal situation. You can also call us: +31 (0)85 00 30140.

Folkert Mijlof Belastingadviseur

Folkert Mijlof

Jeroen Mijlof Tax Advisor

Jeroen Mijlof

Guido van Asperen Counsel

Guido van Asperen

Folkert Mijlof

Folkert Mijlof is the founder of MFFA Tax Advice and as a tax advisor has more than 30 years of experience with individuals and companies (national and international). In order to provide the customer with the best possible service, he always puts himself into the customer, with a personal approach being paramount. In addition to his passions for running (Berlin 2007, New York 2008 marathons) and ice skating (Eleven Cities Tour), he can regularly be found on the golf course in his spare time.

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Jeroen Mijlof

Jeroen Mijlof studied tax law at the University of Groningen and studied Management, Economics and Law in Zwolle at HEAO. He started his career at the Tax Authorities and then worked at the larger tax consultancy firms (Big 4) in national and international practice.

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Guido van Asperen

Guido van Asperen has over 15 years of experience in international and national taxes, including tax planning, value chain optimization and restructuring. Guido has worked for several renowned consultancies including the big 4. His academic achievements include master’s degrees in tax law and financial economics and a postmaster in international taxation and European tax law.
Vanwege zijn financiële en fiscale achtergrond is hij in staat om praktische en begrijpelijk oplossingen te verstrekken. Als projectmanager heeft hij veel ervaring in meerlanden projecten. Zijn inzicht in het bedrijf en de daaruit voortvloeiende vereisten, vermindert de noodzaak voor klanten om hun eigen middelen aan het werk te zetten. Het beheren en implementeren van projecten op tijd en binnen de gebudgetteerde kosten is een van Guido sterke punten.

Tax planning / structurering
Project management
Advanced Tax Rulings and Advanced Price Agreements
Transfer Pricing
Mergers & Acquisition

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Do you have any questions or would you like to know more about our prices?


Call us: +31 (0)85 0030140
From abroad: +31 (0)20 2615615


Amsterdam: Keizersgracht 62, 1015 CS
Amstelveen: Laan van Kronenburg 14, 1183 AS
Bovensmilde (Assen): Witterweg 2, 9421 PG
The Hague: Schenkkade 50, 2595 AR
Eindhoven: Hurksestraat 64, 5652 AL

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